Correcting Babies Ear Deformities without Surgery

Dr. Steve Byrd, MD

H. Steve Byrd, MD - Pediatric Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Steve Byrd, inventor of the “EarWell Infant Ear Correction System“, is an authority on infant ear molding

to correct infant ear deformities. With over 30 years of experience in pediatric plastic surgery, Dr. Steve Byrd has a wealth of experience to share as director of the EarWell Centers of Texas. He is board certified by both the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Dr. Steve Byrd has been elected by his peers as one of the top plastic surgeons in the United States for the past 10 years. He was also nominated by Dallas / Fort Worth pediatricians as a leading pediatric plastic surgeon in the North Texas.

EarWell Inventor Steve Byrd MD

Dr. Steve Byrd, is known as a caring and compassionate doctor, pediatric and adult plastic surgeon, researcher, lecturer, and inventor. Dr. Byrd, is renowned globally as the inventor of the EarWell, a nonsurgical device to correct infant ear deformities. He has received recognition from his esteemed colleagues in the form of numerous awards, honors, Who’s Who in America, America’s Top Plastic Surgeons and voted one of the Best Doctors in America.

D MAGAZINE Best Pediatric Specialist, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2010 – 2015
Best Doctors in America – National Award (from peers), 2007 – 2016
Who’s Who in America – Distinguished Award, 2008
America’s Top Plastic Surgeons – Guide to America’s Top Plastic Surgeons, 2005 – 2011
Texas Monthly Magazine SUPER DOCTORS, 2005-2016

Dr. Steve Byrd, MD
Dr. Steve Byrd, MD
Dr. Steve Byrd, MD

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